The best freeware weather application for my Nokia E71

… or any symbian device for that matter - even s60v2 based devices.

M!Weather in it’s full glory: simple, fast, accurate !

I like having weather informations at hand. At home I have a nice mini weather station, but I still like to be able to check it on my phone. I tried a few apps before this one, even commercial ones like Handy Weather, still I find M!Weather - Mobile weather from the ubahnstation the best. [404 as of 2002] It’s fast, it’s free and it’s acurate. It usually is at the most 1 degree off my outside thermometer. It is also stable - it never hanged once in the years I used it on my phones - first on the e61 and now on the e71. My wife also uses it on her aging Nokia 7610. By any means, in my opinion Mobile Weather - M!Weather is the best application for displaying weather information on Symbian S60v3 and S60v2 devices.

Have fun with it !

2012 Update: As Van kindly reported the website is gone. You can probably still find the app on the net if you really need it.